Importance of the Deliverability,

and how to take care of it?



What will you learn? 

How to get into inboxes

Make sure you get to the inbox of your recipients during busiest and the most competitive time of a year! Remember that many companies are fighting with you for the recipient's attention. Don't let your email be unnoticed or undelivered.

How to Avoid Disaster Recovery

Recovering a domain's reputation is a lengthy and multi-step process. Prevention is better than wasting money and resources to get back to point 0, and a poor domain reputation means horrible campaign results. 

How to take care of your reputation

Improving your Deliverability not only protects your sender reputation, but also it improves it. Better sender reputation means better Deliverability in the future, what means better business performance. 


Deliverability as a result of love and respect

Email Deliverability is complex. Can we find some common patterns, to make it bit more understandable? 

Importance of testing & monitoring Deliverability

Deliverability should be tested and monitored, as it much easier to take care of it, than to fix it. 

How to test and monitor email Deliverability ?

We will show you, how easy it can be (with proper tools) to test and monitor Email Deliverability. 


How to read deliverability reports?

The most common conclusions

Q&A session



Yanna-Torry Aspraki

Deliverability Specialist & CRO

Yanna-Torry is an email & deliverability specialist with multiple expertise who trains companies of all sizes to build sales and attract new business by designing, developing, and implementing innovative email marketing campaigns. As an unconventional critical thinker and strategic planner.


Radek Kaczynski

CEO @ Bouncer

Founder and CEO @ Bouncer. Believer in possibility of improving Human to Human e-mail communication. Experienced Deliverability expert and E-mail verification consultant. Really into holacratic learning organisations and Management 3.0.

Partners & Friends

Get your email marketing on track with the right tools, guidance and practices

Intentionally simple email marketing and automation platform

Powerful cold email automation focused on deliverability